
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Find the open space and the rest will follow"
New South Wales Teacher Community
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Sue Andersen

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Dancing 5Rhythms since 2008 has been a dance back to myself; my body, my breath and my creativity. 5Rhythms has been my medicine, my lifeline, allowing me to drop the struggle and move through emotions and be in presence with each unfolding moment, breath, and movement. It has taught me to trust in the dynamic flow of life – not just the pretty stuff, but the shadow as well as the light.I am excited to share Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms Waves map and to support people to find their own unique dance and discover the freedom and aliveness that comes when we surrender our minds to our feet and to the dance… here we reconnect with our essential self and find unity in connection with others.
Maps: Waves
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Pleše od: 2008 Podučava Od: 2016
Jezici: English

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
8 Sep 2024
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


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