jacia Kornwise
Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Dance has been the foundation of regaining access to my own authenticity and freedom. Teaching 5 rhythms and the Rhtyhms of AcceptDance has been a path to freedom. Freedom does not come without a price or a fierce commitment. I'll never forget when Gabrielle Roth told me that "bliss" is not the reason to dance. Its taken me years to understand that although bliss is one piece we recover on the dance floor, it is the grounding we gain that roots us back into the human being we are meant to be. This practice is my honor to teach and share. Wherever I go, it comes with me. When I dance with you, I will be fully ready to meet you where you are on the dance floor. There is nothing to do but, to start dancing.
Chico, California, United States