I want to take you to a place of pure magic...
It’s the place athletes call the “zone”.
Buddhists call “satori” and ravers call “trance”.
I call it the Silver Desert.
It’s a place of pure light that holds the dark within it.
It’s a place of pure rhythm.
~ Gabrielle Roth
Life is a journey and that makes us all travelers.
We all have the choice on how we travel, whether we make the destination the point or that we give ourselves the experience of being on the way. This journey is both a real journey as a metaphor of how we travel through life.
The desert is a place where we meet physical discomfort which creates clarity about where we stand in life. It is also a place with deep silence and incredible natural beauty that mirrors our essence.
In this trip we’ll be travelling through different landscapes of the Sahara, dunes, planes, oasis. In every place we’ll explore the response our bodies have to the elements and the expansive environment.
We’ll travel by foot with a little caravan of camels, a local guide and a local cook. Depending on the weather we’ll stop and camp for one or
more days. We are, we dance, we meditate, we laugh, we cry, we celebrate...
whatever comes up. We will walk and be in silence for large parts of the trip.
We trust that the journey will be the exact journey we’ll need in that moment. Due to the nature of the trip we cannot predict what that will be.
before October 1st: €1475,= (payment in installments possible)
assisted by: Marije Klumpes, Travelguide, haptotherapist, trainer
An intake (€45,=) is required.
Limited places
Places for this journey are limited to 18 participants (min. 8)