
5Ritmova Radionica

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Led by: Chantell Foss
21 Feb 2020 - 22 Feb 2020
Lokacija: Kelowna, Kelowna Canadian Italian Club, 770 Lawrence Avenue
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Joanne Lapointe

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Devotion includes tending and following from a beginning point, through time and unexpected changes. Devotion includes coming back, over and over, to something good or important.5Rhythms includes devotion. We merge observance of essential routines with unknowable improvisation. We use consistency in form, in balance with forging into pure freedom. It is a process with no finish-line, no “after” picture that’s meant to out-do the “before” picture. It is a process of devotion to personal movement, awareness, and discovery.

Let’s join and stay with a dance that includes both orienting anchor points and wide-open spaces. The dance floor will offer solid riverbanks, cleansing rapids, gentle back-eddies, calm surfaces and clear depths to explore.

Let’s enter a dance with devotion to whatever may be.


Fri Feb 21 6:30-9:30 pm

Sat Feb 22 12-6 pm

Kelowna Canadian Italian Club, 770 Lawrence Ave.

$130, or $110 if paid in full by January 24

To inquire or sign up:

Send an email to joannelapointe_4@hotmail.com

or call/text (250) 215-4752

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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