
5Ritmova Radionica

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Led by: Andrew Holmes
30 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016
Lokacija: Woodend Barn, Banchory AB31 5QA
Aberdeen, United Kingdom Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Martin Julich

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Heartbeat ~ Transforming our relationship to feeling.

How's your heart? Would it welcome some care and attention? The time and space to breathe deep, and feel uplifted and renewed?

Most of us carry a lot in our hearts ~ old wounds, big stories, whatever we don't trust ourselves to feel.. So our emotions get stuck in repetitive patterns, or close down, and our mind comments constantly on everything inside.

When feelings are free to move, through the heart and through the body, then we feel alive, open-hearted and loving.

In this workshop, we will make space for the feelings inside us to move and breathe, to dance, and be released. Working with the 5 Rhythms, we will study the specific shapes and energy of fear, anger, sadness and joy ~ creating pathways through the body for each to move simply and easily.

We will begin to make friends with feeling ~ strengthening our ability to be with whatever arises, and finding compassion for ourselves in the places where we struggle.

Whether you're full of present emotion, carrying old scars, or find it hard to get in touch with how you feel ~ come and create more space in your heart for life and love.


Fri eve Sep 30th 7 - 9.30pm. Sat Oct 1st 11am - 6pm. Sun 2nd 10.30am - 5pm
Fri eve: Community Hall, Echt AB32 6UL
Sat / Sun: Woodend Barn, Banchory AB31 5QA
Cost: £110 (£95 if booked by Aug 31st)

To book or with any questions: please contact Martin Julich at martinpalden@gmail.com or on (01224) 662878

This is an advanced workshop for experienced 5 Rhythms dancers.
Please speak to us if you're unsure whether it's right for you.


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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