
5Ritmova Radionica

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Heart of the Body

Heartbeat, Waves
14 Feb 2020 - 15 Feb 2020
Lokacija: Westmount Community Hall, 10978 127 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Michelle Whitehead

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The 5Rhythms is a simple, powerful movement practice that guides us to re-connect with our innate body-knowledge, wellness, and wisdom. This workshop will be both an introduction and a deep dive into  Gabrielle Roth's healing movement work.

Together we will explore, embody, and give form to the intelligence of the heart of the body: the central chambers where blood moves, excitement races, and rhythm runs gentle and deep. Moving from our center, we may deepen our capacity for presence, find and give shape to heart's own true expression, and reaffirm our connection to the steady pulse of life. 

This workshop counts as 1 day of Waves and 1/2 day of Heartbeat practice, for 5RTA training prerequisites.


For details and registration, contact Michelle Whitehead at 780.803.5243, or email Edmontonwaves@gmail.com. To register, please send your e-transfer to Edmontonwaves@gmail.com, or contact Michelle to make other arrangements.

$145 early bird if paid in full by January 24th | $175 after.

Joanne teaches 5Rhythms (Waves and Heartbeat levels) with a deep respect for the transformational nature of this practice, and for the unique discovery practice of each participant. Her teaching is rooted in a lifelong engagement with her own personal work. Since 2001, she has held a steady space for the growth and evolution of a robust dance community in Victoria, BC, and has shared her love of this practice with students across North America.

Refund Policy

 75% refund for cancellations before January 24th | 50% until February 1st | no refunds for cancellations received after February 1st.

Registration Policy

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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