
5Ritmova Radionica

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Key to the Heart: Module 1 - Fear

Led by: Ann Kite
29 Feb 2020
Lokacija: Carderock Springs Swim and Tennis Club, 8200 Hamilton Spring Ct
Bethesda, Maryland, United States Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Ann Kite

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Under every fear there is a treasure waiting to be received — a gift attained through feeling. But so often we avoid feeling. So, clever are we at avoiding fear that simply acknowledging its presence can be a monumental task. In this workshop we will create a safe container to move with these questions: What do I fear? How does this fear feel? How does fear move in me? We will put aside the rational mind and delve into the intuition of body to find the answers.

This workshop will be limited in size so I can work individually with each participant. I will schedule a brief phone call with each dancer prior to the workshop to prepare for our time together and will recommend homework to further deepen the work.


I invite you to join a committed group of dancers in a journey of finding our emotional soul.

In this 5-part series, we will invite our emotions to be felt as sensation and bring their truths and teachings into our very being. We will lovingly search and transform the inner structures we have created and undergo a metamorphosis of seeing and feeling our old scars as they become symbols of wisdom and healing.

We will move closer to our fear, how it freezes us or makes us run, closer to our anger, how it calls us and burns within us, closer to our sadness, the grief and confusion, into our joy and delight in life, and finally into true, embodied compassion for ourselves, for others, and for this world.

Prerequisite: This workshop series explores the 5Rhythms Heartbeat map — the 2nd level of the 5Rhythms practice. To begin this series the student should be familiar with the 5Rhythms Waves map (1st level). To that end, at least 10-hours of 5Rhythms Waves level work is required to begin the series. Each module of this series builds upon the previous module. Therefore, each module is prerequisite to all subsequent modules.

Saturday 10am - 8pm


With commitment: $1,050; $350 due prior to modules 1, 2, and 3

Without commitment: $1,375; $275 due prior to each module

Remainder of Series


Module 2 - Anger: May 2

Module 3 - Sadness: June 6

Refresh Module - August 1 (included but not required for the series)

Module 4 - Joy: October 10

Module 5 - Compassion: November 21


This workshop will be limited in size so I can work individually with each participant. 

Refund Policy

Refunds for unattended modules will be granted, minus a $75 administrative fee, if requested at least 4 weeks prior to the module. The refund amount per module will be calculated based on the commitment / no-commitment pricing level chosen by the customer. No refunds for modules 4 and 5 will be granted for customers choosing the commitment pricing level.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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