
5Ritmova Radionica

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14 Apr 2018 - 15 Apr 2018
Lokacija: Deurneleitje 6, 2640 Mortsel
Antwerp, Belgium Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Katya Verbrugghe

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Opening our body and soul to the nectar of grace. A journey to be, to dance and to become the dance, to become the unknown. Who are we behind all our thoughts, our believes, our sensations...? How would it be to be seen in everything without any judgement? How would it taste to get space for everything? How would it be to feel accepted in everything? To receive grace, surrendering into it, moving effortless into this bliss, over and over again, to integrate this juice, to be one with. Are you longing to surrender into this bliss, to exist in this vulnerable energy? Opening your whole being into grace, one second, one minute, or longer? Experience this in the here and now. Regardless of the highs or lows, good or bad times, when you accept everything as the divine grace, that is surrendering. Surrendering does not mean that only what you deem “good” will happen in your life. It means no matter what, you will continue to seek your refuge in the Divine, unconditionally.

We work with the map of 5Rhythms. Prerequisites: 25 hours of Waves level.



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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