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Sweat Your Prayers with Jennifer Burner

18 Sep 2016
Lokacija: Dancing Unlimited, 4569 30th St.
San Diego, California, United States Prikaži mapu

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Special Guest Teacher Jennifer Burner 

Certified 5Rhythms® teacher, Jennifer Bruner will lead the Sunday dance on September 18th with a Special Sweat Your Prayers offering! San Diego your request for a place to move and put into practice all of that hard earned learning with a minimally guided Wave has arrived. Jennifer is a highly skilled 5Rhythms® teacher who blesses many dance floors across California with her unique gifts and offerings. This offering is open to all embodied movers so dance on in and share in the opportunity to experience more and more here in San Diego. Drop-in welcome. 

Time: 11:30-1:30

Cost: $20

Location: Dancing Unlimited 4569 30th St. San Diego, CA 92116

Sweat Your Prayers is an open and permissive dance space to practice the 5Rhythms and the Wave and most importantly learn to follow one’s own inner world.  Ultimately each one of us must become our own greatest resource and teacher (5Rhythms.com). 

About Jennifer: 

Jennifer’s dance practice began in 1996 and included ritual performances and visual poetry, earning her a college scholarship. After performing for many years, Jennifer realized a profound yearning to experience dance on a deeper level and began studying the 5Rhythms® in 2002. She is now teaching this extraordinary body of work, constantly catalyzing a deeper way of living more fully in her body. Jennifer is skilled at creating a safe space where dancers are invited to discover and express themselves with authenticity. Her deep understanding of the work inspires students to engage powerfully with the transformative nature of this practice, while her upbeat teaching style helps create community on the dance floor. 



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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