
5Ritmova Radionica

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The Edge of Comfort

Led by: Jonas Klingberg
23 Sep 2016 - 25 Sep 2016
Lokacija: Sola Helsefarm, Stangelandsvegen 50, Sola
, Norway Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Magnhild Egeland

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How willing are you to let go of your own perspective and identification of yourself and move beyond your habitual patterns and grow outside your comfort zone? How open are you to be seen as what you really long to be?

Life can be experienced as fantastic, magical and intimate and at other times painful, strugglingand hard. To have a committed dance practice is to explore and invite presence, awareness and creativity into your life and to dance on the edge of your comfort zone.

During this 5Rhythms® dance weekend we will explore areas which might feel safe and well known with the purpose to investigate how those can be a place of resource and support in staying centered while dancing on the edge. We will honor the parts that need listening, expression and letting go, so our body and emotions can be fluid, free and creative.

It's about practicing the capacity to move and breathe with whatever shows up in your life. It's about deepening the trust to the embodiment and wisdom of your own body, instincts and feelings. From this place we can grow and move outside our safety zone and become more familiar with the unknown and our feelings.

The Edge of Comfort is a Heartbeat level workshop, which is open to everyone, beginners and experienced dancers alike. The Friday evening serves as an introduction to 5Rhythms® and is therefore an essential prerequisite for Saturday and Sunday for those with no previous experience of 5Rhythms�


Location: Sola Helsefarm, Stangelandsvegen 50, 4051 Sola
More info about times, prices & registration will come shortly.
Please contact Magnhild Egeland magnhildegeland@gmail.com or Kristine Sperb Bratland ksperb@gmail.com

Warmly welcome!

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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