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The power of COMPASSION - The healing of FORGIVENESS

8 Feb 2020 - 9 Feb 2020
Lokacija: Walpurgis, Deurneleitje 6 Mortsel
Antwerp, Belgium Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Katya Verbrugghe

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“The power of COMPASSION – The healing of FORGIVENESS”

Heartbeat workshop

8/9 februari

10h30 – 17h30

in Mortsel (Antwerpen)

led in English and Dutch


In this Heartbeat workshop we will meet, move and embrace our emotions: fear, anger, sadness, joy, and compassion. From here we invite forgiveness. 

I approach emotions as a power source for deep healing. The more we allow them into the movement and receive them, the freer our heart can feel afterwards. Emotions serve us if we do not hold them in a destructive way. This can be done by ignoring them, to put them on hold, until the bomb explodes. This can show itself in aggression, in hysteria, in manipulative behavior and or a physical ailment. In our childhood, we usually have not learned to deal with our emotions. We are hardly ever taught emotionally. Afterwards it will only get harder. Both at work and in our relationships, especially to ourselves.

So I love to guide you and the whole group with a lot of empathy and compassion to meet yourself and each other in all these energetic layers of our heart.


150€ – Early bird

175€ – Payed after 8 Januari’20



Deurneleitje 6

2640 Mortsel (Antwerpen)


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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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