In this setting we will use 5 Rhythms, a mindful movement practice to support us in the investigation of our creative, fun-loving essential nature. We will be guided by Sadhbh O’ Neill to enhance our creativity through the medium of art and collage making. We will explore and learn about the unique landscape that is the Burren to complement out creativity.
And there will be ample time for sea swimming, relaxing, and tasting the local Irish traditional music and dance scene.
The summer school is open to all whether you are coming for the first time or if you have been here before.
Practical Details
Dates: July 17th at 1pm with lunch; Finish on 21st at 4pm.
Due to change of ownership and upgrading of the facilities costs have increased.
Costs 2023:
All single & double rooms are now gone.
If paid in full by July 1st Shared accommodation €800; Camping €700.
After July 1st Shared accommodation €850; Camping €750.
A non-refundable, non- transferable deposit of €250 will secure a place.
Payment through PayPal on
Please visit to read the cancellation policy regarding Boghill 2023.
Booking: The number of participants is limited to 18, so early booking advised.
Online: use PayPal via website and email booking form to