
5Rhythms Workshop

Awakening 1- Our Body

Led by: Berit Hague
19 Oct 2018 - 21 Oct 2018
Locatie: Location information from contact, Location information from contact
Tallinn, Estonia Show map
Organizer: Liina Lehtla

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We are awakening to new realities – within and without – created by higher frequency universal energies pouring into our collective consciousness. Realities that we at first may experience as confusing, in constant change, not linear and therefore, unpredictable and we feel uncertainty, become tired, restless, not knowing what to do or what we want. This is perfectly ok if we realize how to deal with it. I trust it is all for a greater GOOD. The first key may be Acceptance – acceptance of what is. How can I accept what is if I do not want it, do not wish this to be, do not like it, if it makes me unhappy, upset, worried or deeply disturbed ----? Acceptance is not in order to deny my feelings or opinion of things; it is just to confirm what is at the moment and then act accordingly – ACT, not react. To do this we need to be firmly grounded in our bodies and have access to energy. And we need to realize that our bodies are fine universal instruments that are made to play/be tuned in to the universal Source energy. Then they are plugged in to a permanent communication with The Whole which fills us with an inner knowing in the moment of what/who to be or to do now. The 5 Rhythms practice is a perfect instrument, to me, to help our instrument, our body, to be energized again and again by “plugging it into the great life energy source” through our dance, to renew the energy in the body, to let it express whatever needs to come out instead of holding it back and to move with source energy which create a lot of vitality in the body. Through dancing the 5 Rhythms I gradually came in deeper and deeper contact with my body.  It deepened my ability for body consciousness on many levels, to recognize and feel energy in it`s variety of qualities and gradually develop a way of listening inwardly which helped me to meditate in the way I do now, an ability to listen inwardly.
Module 1 specific description: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/03ccc7_5b5ef1e03ed6476b8cd4ab002e922af8.pdf


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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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