
Profesoras de 5Ritmos

""Respond to every call that excites your spirit" Rumi"
England Teacher Community
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Catherine Stagg-Macey

Certificado profesora 5Ritmos

I'm a geek girl who's spent too much of her life in her head, and the dance is my way of getting into my body and my feet. 

5Rhythms found me in 2012 and we’ve had an off and on relationship ever since.  The dance brings up a lot of stuff that I’ve spent much of my life burying. It’s deep medicine that I need, but that I often don’t want or can’t handle. But I keep returning to the dance floor to move and be with myself. 

The journey home to be FULLY me. I chose to follow the 5Rhythms teacher training path because I know there are people out there like me – uncomfortable being in their body, feeling overwhelmed by the noise in their heads.

If I can find some lightness in me through the 5Rhythms, then we all can. In my day job, I’m an executive and team coach, entrepreneur and podcast host. I work with people to create just and equitable work places. I’m endlessly fascinated by the stories we tell ourselves about who we really are. And how we are all searching for the peaceful stillness inside of us. My dance spaces are open to everybody – however you identify with gender, race, religion, culture or age. 

Come dance with me and we’ll seek out that spacious stillness inside together. 



Maps: Waves
Location: Petersfield, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Baila desde: 2012 Enseña desde: 2024
Idiomas: Ingles

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