
Profesoras de 5Ritmos

""Hard Times requires Ferocious Dance""
Serbia Teacher Community
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Jelena Vajagic

5Rhythms Teacher in Training
Fascinacija plesom mi kreće još u ranom detinjstvu. Ali tek sa 5Ritmova osećam da pripadam, da je nevažno kakvo mi je telo, da biti savršen je najmanje bitno u svrsishodnosti života. I kada god mi je teško setim se rečenice Gabrijel Rot: "Da li imaš disciplinu da budeš slobodan duh?"

5Ritmova je mapa: Tečni, Stakato, Haos, Lirski, Duboka Tišina - Talas, Mapa ka unutrašnjim prostranstvima, ka našem duhovnom delu sebe, meditacija u pokretu i ples bez koreografije kojim se stiže najbrže u ekstazu. Prostor koji zajednica kreira je siguran prostor gde smo prihvaćeni takvi kakvi jesmo, autentični. 

Fascination with dance started in early childhood already. But only with 5Rhythms I felt belonging, that is not important how my body looks, to be perfect is the least important in life itself. And whenever life feels harsh I remind myself of Gabrielle Roth quote: " Do you have the discipline to be free spirit?"

5Rhythms is a map: Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness - Wave. Map that guide us to inner spaces, toward spiritual part of us, movement meditation and no choreography dance which takes us the fastest to ecstasy. The space that community create is safe space where we are accepted the way we are, authentic. 

Location: Belgrade, SerbiaSerbia
Baila desde: 2010
Idiomas: Ingles, Serbian, Croatian

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