
Profesoras de 5Ritmos

"Every child Has known God, Not the God of names, Not the God of don'ts, Not the God who never does anything weird, But the God who knows four words, And keeps repeating them, Saying: "Come dance with Me" Come, Dance. -HAFIZ"
Mexico Teacher Community
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Marcela Garza

Certificado profesora 5Ritmos
My path is Dance, I have always known it, since childhood dance has been way to come back to myself. In the Dance, I feel all the magic that resides in and around me. My shape, my weight, my face disappears to unveil a wonderful version of myself, a reflection of everyone and everything that moves 

More than two decades ago when I discovered Gabrielle's 5 Rhythms, it became clear to me  that dance is my medicine and I'm infinitely grateful for this practice that has become a healing, nurturing balm to my life.

In the dance along with my breath, my steps take me to unknown fascinating worlds that fill me with powerful energy. For me the dance floor is the Cosmos that you only feel if its danced. And when you dance in community it has incredible effects. 

For years I travel distances to find a 5 Rhythms practice, now is the time to bring it home. With my teachers, I'm here to share it with love and gratitude.

Mi camino es la danza, lo he sabido desde siempre. es mi manera de encontrarme. Danzando siento toda la magia que hay en mi y en todo. Desaparecen mi forma, mi peso, mi rostro y se descubre una maravillosa versión de mi, un reflejo de todos y todo lo que danza.

Cuando descubrí los 5 Ritmos de Gabrielle, entendí por que la danza es mi medicina, agradezco infinitamente esta práctica que es mi bálsamo para mantenerme viva. En la danza, junto con mi respiración, mis pasos me llevan a mundos desconocidos fascinantes que me llenan de una energía poderosa.

Para mi, el piso de danza es el Cosmos, que solo se siente si se danza. Y cuando se danza en compañía tiene efectos impresionantes.

Por años he tenido que recorrer distancias para danzar los 5 Ritmos en grupo, ya es hora de traerlo a casa.

Junto con mis maestros estoy aquí para compartirlo con amor y gratitud.

Maps: Waves
Location: Ensenada, Mexico
Baila desde: 1980
Idiomas: Español, Ingles, French

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27 Oct 2024
Ensenada, Mexico


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