
Profesoras de 5Ritmos

"My body is my temple and my office. God is the Great Choreographer, the Dance and the Dj. My job is to help you getting out of your thinking mind to find serenity through your moving body. See you soon on the Dancefloor ! With much love and light"
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Marianne Subra

Certificado profesora 5Ritmos

I'm a free, wild and joyful spirit with nomadic genes, dancing and traveling around the world.

I discovered 5Rhythms when I was 30 years old after a very bad climbing accident that left me multi trauma and 3 years without walking. During the last surgery, I had a vision : I saw and felt myself ecstatically dancing in a world full of love and light. I had never danced before!

From that moment, I had only one burning desire : to dance to free myself from my suffering, to transform my suffer into art, art into consciousness and consciousness into action, as Gabrielle said. I came back to life and found peace and harmony in my body, my heart, my mind, my soul and my Spirit thanks to this moving meditation.

Since my very first wave, I knew that sharing this practice with the entire world would be my way to accomplish what I was born to do, to manifest my Soul Spiritual's Purpose. Thanks to the 5Rhythms, I can now help others Human Beings to simply feel better by living the uplifting experience of connecting to their body and their breath, getting rid of their busy thinking mind which creates the suffering to find the joy and the peace of connecting their Soul to the Entirety of the Universe in the Present Moment.

Maps: Waves
Location: Toulouse, France
Baila desde: 2007
Idiomas: Ingles, French

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