
Profesoras de 5Ritmos

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Naissan Schneider

5Rhythms Teacher in Training

I met Naissan in the bar. She told me she didn't know how to start her new biography. 

I'm not sure why she asked for my help. I do not dance and am as wooden as a wooden spoon. 

But she told me, that in the 5 rhythms, she had found the place she belonged. She told me, that with Iranian parents, she was always being told she was way too much. 

A dog barked in the bar and I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end.

She said she had something in her. Ever since she was a child. An ability to guide and to support. It's the reason she opened her taichi and yoga school when she was 25. 

I ordered another beer. 

She told me about Johnathan, her teacher who looked like a bear, who, more than the 5 rhythms, taught her how to guide a group, how to adapt, to grow, to never change who you are. 

I don't know much about 5 rhythms. Naissan danced in the orange-light square to explain it to me. I don't know the different names or why people do it. But I do know, with all my heart, that Naissan is exactly the teacher I would love to have.                   Luke Carter      

Location: Muenster, Germany
Baila desde: 2012
Idiomas: German, Ingles, Farsi

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