Being in flow
Eternal flow, one wave after the other is the essens of life.
This workshop is an invitation to free the body through continious movement with attention.Energy follows attention.Sensing the body is opening the feeelings.
The body is the mirrow of our life - our history.What you can´t move is stuck. Everthing is in continuous movement. Often the body and mind are holding on to the past.Our life moves in old patterns, created in the past to shut down our feelings. Life got a surviving strategi after traumatic expierences. The 5 Rhythms frees the body,expresses the heart and empties out the mind. So the dancer is getting the dance - awaking the soul and embodying the spirit.Are you curious? Do you want explore yourself?
This course demands no experience, age, condition or shape, only the willingness to engage in this work with focus and the wish to explore new ways to move - feel the body, express the heart & empty the mind.
“Truth is so simple. Being. Loving. Knowing. Seeing. Healing. No effort and no fight. Life is a continuum, a passage with breath and movement.”
Gabrielle Roth
Beginners are welcome and be willing to engage in this work with a lot of focus and a touch of humour.
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.