
5Rhythms Talleres

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Led by: Andrew Holmes
5 May 2018 - 6 May 2018
Ubicación: Akademie voor Massage en Beweging, Wingerdweg 32, 1031 CA Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands Show map
Organizer: Petra van Os

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Beneath the surface, lie the depths, waiting to be explored.
In ourselves, in each other, in life.

Sometimes we hesitate, putting them off.
Sometimes we can’t find our way in, no matter how we try.
Often we’re just too busy, or in too much of a rush..
And we miss them altogether.

This weekend we will take the time and space to drop below the surface, to follow the thread of our dance beneath the ordinary, the familiar, and the everyday, into the heart of the matter; to immerse ourselves in the limitless mystery of all that’s possible; and nourish ourselves by moving with the vast richness of the deep.


Times:   Sat 5 May  10.30 - 17.30,  Sun 6  10.30 - 16.30
Location:   Akademie voor Massageen Beweging, Wingerdweg 32, 1031 CA Amsterdam
Price:   € 170.-    (€ 155.-  if booked before 31 March)

Booking/ more information:   Petra van Os   petra@akademie.nl   020-3308572

“How lovely it is to be in your wise, safe, healing presence.
The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning”

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.

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