
5Rhythms Talleres

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Embodied Heart

Led by: Jonathan Horan
18 Sep 2015 - 20 Sep 2015
Ubicación: Dancessense, 2441 Impala Dr, 92010
Carlsbad, California, United States
Organizer: Christina Graham-Smith

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“The heart is a lonely hunter.”

This is not only the title to a great book, but a haunting description of a state of being. What are we hunting for? What do we want that we don’t have? We want connection and intimacy. More than anything else in this world, we want to be loved.

Often, we don’t listen to our own hearts. In fact, most often we think about our feelings rather than experience them, and this separation creates loneliness that turns the heart into a hunter -- seeking somebody to love rather than being the force that is love. Love isn’t something to do; it’s something to be.

Let’s take the time to stop the world and pay attention to our hearts. Attention is like a spotlight. Feelings live in our body parts, and when we shine the light of our attention on them, memories crack open and move, dissolving the hard hold they have on us.

Using the 5Rhythms® as a map to how our emotional energy morphs and moves, we will practice the lost art of falling in love and landing on our own two feet.


2441 Impala Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010

The times of the workshop are
Friday 7-10pm
Saturday 11-6pm
Sunday 11-4 or 5pm


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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