
5Rhythms Talleres

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Heart of the Huntress

Waves, Elective
28 Jul 2020 - 2 Aug 2020
Ubicación: D, Rua de Alijo 36, 4860-133, Casal – Cabeceiras de Basto, Portugal
Porto, Portugal Show map

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In our culture, feminine power often hides in the shameful shadows; we can see it as passive aggressive claw sharpening, or outbursts of rage when the pressure finally pops. We can be trapped by the Good Girl, often putting our own needs last, dreaming of personal power without any idea of how to achieve it.

Would you like to be free of these patterns, to stand strong in your centre, calm in the face of any onslaught, and able to choose in the moment the right action, whether it is a 'yes' or a 'no', a 'stay' or a 'go'.

To be in deep relationship with your own instincts and rightness rather than keeping everyone else happy and putting yourself last, again and again?

We will spend the workshop dancing with elements of feminine power - light and shadow - in a safe environment where nothing is ‘wrong’. Together with your sisters you can explore the gifts of these aspects of the feminine. It is only by moving into these shadows that we can learn what these fragments have to teach us. And let’s face it; it is fun to let these parts of ourselves finally have a safe space to play, move and dance.

We finally say YES to all the parts of ourselves. No judgement. Just exploration. What a relief!

Once we have embraced those often shy and secret parts we can break open the archetypes to discover the light within; the balanced power of Artemis, the Huntress; perfectly poised, able to choose in any moment when to wait, when to spring, when to hunt and when to flee.

Power flows through us and into the world. We are not too much. We are not lacking. We are simply here, in our own internal authority, guided by our rightness, our instincts, and the wisdom of our own growing hearts.

This week will be an unfolding journey to take you step by step through this process, utilising 5Rhythms and archery, to awaken and inspire you, to gently cradle the vulnerable parts of your heart while feeding the fires of your awakening Artemis. Together we’ll reflect and love each other as we dance towards wholeness.


This retreat is an hour out of Porto, in the incredible D'Alijo retreat centre.

Registration is through the website link


EARLYBIRD prices end May 31

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.

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