Journey of the Heart
As we notice summer begin to make way for autumn, knowing that we too are part of nature, we will invite our ever changing feelings to lead our creative practice. Tracking, welcoming and following our feelings through the 5Rhythms maps is a way to embody the heart.
In this workshop, we will honour our journey with the emotions of fear, anger, sadness and joy
~ has our relationship with them changed over time in the way we can allow and express them?
~ are they welcome when they arrive again?
~can our embodiment and transformation of emotions inspire others?
~ do they open the path to compassion?
September Friday 13th: 18.00-21.00 - open evening
September 14th: 11.00 -18.00
September 15th: 10.30 -17.00
cost: all weekend nkr. 2200,- (£165)
open evening friday nkr. 400,- (£30)
Refund Policy
Registration Policy
Pre-Registration Required
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.