
5Rhythms Talleres

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Radiance of Being: a 5Rhythms Workshop on the Polarities of Presence

Led by: Jeffrey Boynton
19 Jun 2026 - 21 Jun 2026
Ubicación: TBD, TBD
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States Show map

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***Residential Retreats in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!

This boisterous season of emerging, of flowering and regeneration invites us into a raucous and wild energy of rebirth, a teeming space of beginnings and awakenings. The coming season of summer brings the full blaze of the sun’s heat, and time for connection, celebration and remembering the abundance of our brilliant source of energy. Plants fruit and ripen, the outdoors thrums with activity, the insect world fills the world with the rhythms of life’s endurance. The temperature rises and the nights grow short, inviting us to take rest on cool beaches and immerse ourselves in watery depths of release. We gather around the night fires and BBQs, with practices that celebrate and connect us to the vibrancy of community.

As we approach the summer solstice, we invite you to dance the polarities of the 5Rhythms as we explore each rhythm in its endarkened and enlightened expression. This journey of movement, connection, ritual, and integration is offered as a waypoint on your path to the catalyzing, abundant, creative, and enduring energy of rerelease that summer can offer.

From Friday June 19 at 5pm until 3pm on Sunday June 21

Workshop will take place at:


Workshop Fee:

Sponsor*: $ 335.00 | Standard: $285.00 | Reduced Rate: $235.00

Meals & Lodging additional at $375-500 depending on choice & availability

*Your payment at Sponsor level allows another to pay the reduced rate.

*If the reduced rate would still prevent your participation please complete the registration form and then email jeffrey@jeffreypboynton.com with your request. There are a limited number of registrations allowed per tier - If the tier you need to select is sold out, please contact me at jeffrey@jeffreypboynton.com.

This workshop counts as 2.5 days (15 Hours) of Waves for those on the 5Rhythms Teacher Training path.



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Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.

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