The spirit in everything helps us to communicate with our surroundings. The spirit in a stone, a plant an animal, in other humans. What is their story, what are they telling us? What is their need? How can we help? And how can these spirits help us? What do we need? How can we give thanks to what we have been given? Connecting with spirits helps to connect and realize fully that we are not apart. We might think that we are are apart and we might even believe this thought and therefor feel apart, lonely and cut off. But really we are part of this world, we are permeable, the world around us comes in through many different ways; air, smell, food, sounds, ideas etcetera. And we share with the world, our breath, gifts, contributions.
I take care of my surroundings and my surroundings take care of me and that makes us interdependent. We call that reciprocity. We rely on each other and we take care of each other. Reciprocity means that in response to friendly actions, our surroundings are frequently much nicer and much more cooperative.
We will use the dance of the 5Rhythms to wake up our bodies for our surroundings, to feel what we we have been given and to express what we want to share. We connect with the visible and invisible world through movement and breath.
MFC Klarendal
Friday June 21 19:00-21:30
Saturday June 22 10:30-18:00
Sunday June 23 10:30-17:30
Friday night only €25 Open class
Earlybird till May 21 170€
After 195€
Arjan Bouw