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Surrender Wisdom Of The Womb - 5Rhythms ® workshop for women

20 May 2018
Ubicación: London, London
London, United Kingdom Show map

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 “See what moves you, and what's calling you home, for rest, solace, release….”

How can we trust the energy moving through us, in any form or shape? How can we heal our wounded feet,trust the passion that is trying to shape our hearts - the excitement that is waiting to bloom though our veins - surrendering to the tenderness that softens our spirits and lets us be?

In the rhythm of Chaos we are letting go of the stories that make us, over and over again, sick, angry and fearful, so we can respond to the world with our full aliveness. Here we are invited to keep surrendering to our feet, our hips, our feelings, our limitations, our lives - to build a strong foundation in our bodies, so we can let go what doesn't serve us anymore and blossom freely, becoming renewed.
I spent so many years wondering what was wrong with me. And it is through the dance and years of personal exploration of my relationship to my body, I am reminded that I don't have to be anything other than myself, that I am enough. I passionately believe in the healing power of women coming together with collaboration rather than competition in mind. My intention is to bring women together to step into their power so we can heal ourselves and the world together, with grace, forgiveness, compassion and with fierce feminine power
Letting go is big part of life and being a woman. Whether you still menstruate or not it is part of our nature. Our circle teaches us about the primal skill of cycles. Over and over again, we pull back, we hold on, we crumple, we resist... we let go... During this workshop we are going to use the map of 5Rhythms ® to explore and embrace the deep wisdom that comes within it, while tapping into the feeling of surrender.


WisdomOf The Womb -a series of 5Rhythms® workshops for women - in2018

++ Number of places limited 

The womb isthe seat of power in a woman's body, the gateway to her own deepknowing...

How connected are you to your womb?
Do you liveand dance with an awareness of its intelligence?

I spent somany years wondering what was wrong with me. And it is through thedance and years of personal exploration of my relationship to mybody, I keep being reminded that I don't have to be anything otherthan myself, that I am enough. I passionately believe in the healingpower of women coming together with collaboration rather thancompetition in mind. My intention is to bring women together to stepinto their power so we can heal ourselves and the world together,with grace, forgiveness, compassion and with fierce femininepower.

Those workshops are an invitation to come home to yourbody. To find self-love and ease in your body. Together we willdance, using the map of the 5Rhythms® to ground ourselves in ourbodies and to connect with our wombs. We will use this knowledge toheal and experience a new feeling of power and possibility. 

Thisseries consists of four one day 5Rhythms® workshops, Waves level,and one full weekend of Heartbeat™ level practice. It is for thedancers that are looking for a caring embrace of depth, nourishment,inspiration and growth that naturally emerges when group of women gettogether.

Each time we meet, we will focus on one of the5Rhythms in detail ~ offering ourselves again and again to thepractice of the dance, and opening to the gifts and teachings itcontains for our lives. During the weekend Heartbeat™ workshop wewill sink deeper into the rhythms of our body and heart, and exploreour feelings at this level. We will be reconnecting with the primalwisdom of the Five Emotions: the Fear that protects us, the Angerthat defends us, the Sadness that releases us, the Joy that upliftsus and the Compassion that unites us. 

~This workshopscounts towards future 5Rhythms® training as two and half days ofHeartbeat level and 5 days of Waves level teaching.~

Youcan join all workshops or any chosen ones. 

25thMarch, - Empowerment & Reclamation
20th May - Surrender 
1ndJuly - Tribal Heart
22-23th September- Instinctual Heart-Heartbeat level workshop 
11th November - Trust


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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.

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