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KEW - 5Rhythms with Live Music (Live Rhythms)

Led by: Ruth Hirst
Lokacija: St Luke, The Avenue, Kew, Surrey, TW9 2AJ
London, United Kingdom Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Dani

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This is being run by a collective of dancers. Excited to be part of this where different teachers are bringing 5Rhythms BACK to Kew. 

These are nights where 5Rhythms is brought alive through live music from the LiveRhythms band. The musicians will be Christopher Term, Fran Loze, Patrick Carpenter and Storme Watson. 

There will be sounds of the kora and cello, clarinet and saxophone with plenty of percussion that will both lead you and respond to your dance, co-creating an alchemic journey into the mystery and wonder of being. 

LiveRhythms will be on the last Friday of each month - entry fee £15/20/25 (cash only). 

All other Fridays will be DJ'd music with varying different guest teachers. 

Entry fee: £10/15/20 (cash only).

Class starts at 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Doors will be locked at 8pm. 


Venue: St Luke Church, The Avenue, Kew, TW9 2AJ.

The space is on the top floor of St Luke's Church. It has a wooden sprung floor, so is kind to your body, as you move.

Nearest tube: Kew. Parking free in church carpark and nearby streets.

See you on the dance floor, soon.. ❤️👣🎶 Ruth

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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