
5Ritmova Učitelji

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Bernadette Ryder

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Immersed in 5 Rhythms for more than 20 years, teaching since 1998, Bernadette's approach has been influenced by other profound spiritual practices: principally Isha Yoga, Movement Medicine, Sky Dancing Tantra, Sacred Trust Shamanism and the teachings of Abraham Hicks. She also practices yoga, meditation and Kriya breathwork, which she integrates beautifully into her classes, workshops and training programmes.

She has worked in training, group facilitation & community development since late 1980s. From 6 years in sub-Saharan Africa, to several years in UK multicultural inner-city areas, she has empowered numerous grass roots initiatives including credit unions, community businesses, youth facilities, drugs rehab, and a local development trust.

From this diverse background, Bernadette is now motivated by a simple, central purpose that runs through all her work: the intention to uplift and facilitate the capacity to choose joy.

Her approach is holistic, including intellectual, analytical & experiential processes, creating ways to access emotional intelligence. Her mastery is in teaching the art of being fully present and embodied in our physical being while engaging effectively in our lives, relationships and the world, her work a celebration of the spiritual through the physical and practical.

Bernadette is a Director/co-founder of DMAC (Dance Music Arts Collective) who established and run the ‘In-Alignment Dance Studios’ in Bristol. She is also a member of Open Floor International.
(For more see website)
Maps: Waves, Heartbeat
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 1994 Podučava Od: 1997
Jezici: English

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Bristol, United Kingdom


7 Nov 2024 - 10 Nov 2024
Rhossili, United Kingdom
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