
5Ritmova Učitelji

"I dance to remember who I am, and to fall in love with myself over and over and over again."
Western Canada Teacher Community
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Julie Plotkin

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
I first discovered 5Rhythms in 2001 and immediately knew I was "home". I became more alive and more joyful on the dance floor than anywhere else. It awoke in me a hunger and a passion to be a more vital, energetic, and ALIVE person. But more importantly, it awoke in me the desire to connect with people from the body, rather than from the head. It is this desire for connection, and healing through movement that is inspiring my teaching.
Maps: Waves, Heartbeat
Location: Roberts Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Pleše od: 2001 Podučava Od: 2014
Jezici: English

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