
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Dancing the 5Rhythms connects me to the ever-present yet invisible divine life force that moves us all. "
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Nikki Ashley

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

I spent 16 years in theatre, first as a stage manager then as an actor. Then using the tools of the actor, forum theatre and communication I helped communities and individuals practice change and the process of transformation. This work was carried through various settings from schools, mental health and the corporate floor to villages in rural and remote areas of Cambodia.

I first came across the 5Rhythms in 1994 reading "maps to ecstasy".  I discovered in Gabrielle's words (and later in the numerous classes & workshops I have danced and still dance in)  the body's need to move, to explore, to express and to transform  thoughts and feelings into connection and compassionate action with self and others, community and the world we live in. 

I have been dancing and studying the 5Rhythms for 18 years and I trained to teach in 2014 with Jonathan Horan. I bring a light yet deep presence to my teaching, allowing space and inner permission for authentic alive presence in your dance, no matter how that is.  

Maps: Waves
Location: London, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 2005 Podučava Od: 2014
Jezici: English

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