
5Ritmova Radionica

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Led by: Ron Hagendoorn
30 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016
Lokacija: Hermitage Urban, Str. Mihai Eminescu nr.127
Bucharest, Romania Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Dana Costea

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(For English, please scroll below)

5Rhythms este o meditatie simpla prin miscare.In acest atelier exploram relatiile pe care le avem. 

Cum avem grija de noi insine? Putem sa ramanem in prezent atunci cand ne aflam in starea de confort dar si atunci cand ne simtim inconfortabil? Cum relationam cu alti oameni? Putem sa ramanem fideli sentimentelor noastre in timp ce relationam cu
altcineva? Ce se intampla cand nu placem pe cineva? Indraznim sa privim dincolo de masti?

Care este locul nostru intr-un grup de oameni? Putem sa renuntam la ceva personal pentru a servi intregul? Ce inseamna sa fii parte din ceva mai mare decat tine?

Cautam raspunsuri la aceste intrebari prin miscare si dans. 5Rhythms este sursa noastra in procesul de investigatie. Vom dansa mult, vom vorbi, vom scrie si vom invata unii de la ceilalti. Nu este necesara experienta anterioara cu metoda 5Rhythms.
Curiozitatea fata de propria-ti persoana (cine esti tu?) si fata de persoanele de langa tine (cine sunt ceilalti?) sunt suficiente. Intinderea pe un week-end a atelierului iti ofera timp suficient pentru a patrunde adanc in interiorul tau. Atunci cand acordam
atentie si grija corpurilor noastre, ne vor fi dezvaluite mistere si vor iesi la suprafata raspunsuri.

Atelierul incepe vineri, 30 septembrie 2016, de la 19:00 la 22:00 si continua sambata, 1 octombrie, intre 11:00 si 18:00 si duminica, 2 octombrie, intre 11:00 si 17:00.

Se desfasoara la Hermitage, Strada Mihai Eminescu Nr 127, Bucuresti. 

Pretul este de 130 Euro pentru plata avansului pana la 31 august 2016 si 155 de Euro dupa aceea.

Seara de vineri este parte din atelier. 

Atelierul acumuleaza 12 ore pentru cei care vor sa se certifice ca si profesori 5Rhythms®.


5Rhythms is a simple movement meditation. In this workshop we explore the relationships we have.

How do we take care of ourselves? Can we stay present with comfort and discomfort? How do we relate to other people? Can we stay true to our own feelings while relating to someone else? What happens if we don't like someone? Do we dare to look behind the masks?

What is our place in a group of people? Can we let go of something personal to serve the whole? 

We look for answers to these questions through movement and dance.

5Rhythms is our source for investigation. We will dance (a lot), speak, write and learn from each other. Experience in 5Rhythms is not needed. Interest in who you are, and who you are with is enough. The timespan of a weekend workshop creates the ability to go deep inside. If we nurture our bodies with
focus and care, mystery can unfold and answers will arise.

Workshop: Friday evening 30 Sept 2016 from 19:00- 22:00,
Saturday 1 October 11:00 - 18:00, Sunday 2 October 11:00 - 17:00.

Hermitage, Strada Mihai Eminescu 127, Bucharest.

130 Euro if booked before 31 August 2016, 155 Euro thereafter.

The Friday evening is part of the workshop. Workshop counts
15h towards teachertraining. 


Workshop times and dates:
Friday 30 Sept 2016, 19:00- 22:00,
Saturday 1 October, 11:00 - 18:00,  
Sunday 2 October, 11:00 - 17:00,

Workshop location:
Hermitage, Strada Mihai Eminescu 127, Bucharest .

Workshop costs:
130 Euro if booked and paid before 31 August 2016, 
155 Euro thereafter.

The Friday evening is part of the workshop. Workshop counts 15h towards teachertraining. Registration: by e-mail, phone or online.

dana.costea.dance@gmail.com, phone +40 (0)724 312825 or online with 5Rhythms app on Android or iPhone. Have a look in the app store and search 5Rhythms.

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Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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