Real Life
A weekend of waves to wake up to what is real and allow ourselves to become the reality that we are.
This full weekend of 5Rhythms movement meditation will take you on an intimate journey of discovery with yourself. Uncovering, discovering and recovering sensation and movement through the whole body, awakening the dancer and offering current life challenges to the dance and the dance floor.
The idea is to become refreshed by dropping pretense and allowing what is real to be there. In the present moment, we find freedom to be ourselves, as we are.
This workshop will put our Flow under the spotlight. It is suitable for all dancers who want to take a weekend out of everyday life to devote to discovering what is real, in this accelerating, multi-tasking, anxiety driven world we are all part of. We can change the world if we are willing to change ourselves. This weekend will be an opportunity to do that: to drop into the bodily sensations of being alive, as we are, and to explore what is real in us through the whole 5Rhythms map.
The gain will be release from stuckness and a (re)-entry into Life's natural, exhilarating and enlivening Flow, where all is as it is, constantly emerging and unfolding in beauty.
Godney Village Hall, 4 miles from Glastonbury. Ask about local accommodation and lift sharing.
Friday 4 March 7.30-10pm (open evening)
Saturday 5 March 11am-6pm
Sunday 6 March 11am-5pm
£110 (£95 if booked by Feb 12)
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.