
5Ritmova Radionica

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Turn the Wheel ~ 5Rhythms into Spring

Led by: Chantell Foss
9 Feb 2020 - 19 Apr 2020
Lokacija: The HUB at Cowichan Station, Duncan, 2375 Koksilah Road, Duncan
Duncan, British Columbia, Canada Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Joy Emmanuel

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This committed series will mark our progress from the freeze, through the thaw, to the breakthrough of new life. We’ll begin as the days just begin to noticeably lengthen and end in the fullness of spring’s blossom and fertility.

The cosmos - all life - is turning. Life is change. Some shifts, like seasons, are wheel-like and expected. They can help us feel at home and connected to a larger rhythm, and they can also challenge or disturb us. Even though we know they will come around, they can also bring surprises, or hold subtle but meaningful shifts that may go unnoticed until we slow down and focus.

In this three-day immersion taking us through the winter-spring shift, we’ll use dance, soulful inquiry, and creative experiments to investigate our cycles of change and rest, turning and returning. There will be space for each of us to hone in on what we are aware of, need, and desire, in the shift from internal winter ways to our unique springing forth.

Together we’ll feel into how energy cycles naturally on all levels: in our attention and our bodies, in the shifting of seasons, in our lives, and in our wide world.


3-part Sunday workshop series turning from winter stillness to spring's rebirth

11 am - 5 pm Sunday February 9 

11 am - 5 pm Sunday March 8

11 am - 5 pm Sunday April 19

Early Bird $260, paid by January 19

$290 paid January 19 - Feb 9

In 2 instalments: $170 by January 19 & $130 by March 8 ($300)

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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