
5Ritmova Radionica

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Unbreak my Heart

26 Apr 2025 - 27 Apr 2025
Lokacija: Wilderniscafé De Waard van Kekerdom, Weverstraat 94, Kekerdom
Kekerdom, Netherlands Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Caroline Van de Ven

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Being hurt is part of being human; there’s no way to avoid it without shutting down completely. Instead, we use it as our reason to dance.

Sometimes your heart gets broken, other times you’re a heart-breaker. To know the full expanse of the heart, we need to experience both sides.

In this heartbeat workshop we rely on our embodiment of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness as we move into an exploration of our heart that on our way in life broke many times.

We use our body tot trust this path, meeting the old - our emotional landscape that cracked and broke by history, education and society- using our moving body, our dance, to restore and unbreak.

We move our truth and by moving it, we clear the pathway for our hearts to burst open. We express our innermost feelings even when afraid, angry or sad. 

Through moving, expressing and releasing what was caged, what was hurt and broken, we’ll trust our way to meet our unbroken essence, we’ll trust to celebrate all our heart cracks, letting our pure heart light through, which enables us to shine from deep within.

We have the ability to move into joy and compassion. 

Every crack lets light in, that’s how we heal our hearts…


This workshop counts  as 2 Heartbeat level days toward Teacher  Training

Saturday & Sunday 10AM - 5PM

Costs: € 165 early bird till March 23, €195 thereafter

Teaching in Dutch, German, English depending on 

Registration online through www.soulrebel.eu/agenda

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 For refund policy check www.soulrebel.eu

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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