Running with Wolves: Women's 5Rhythms February
Monthly Moving Medicine Workshops
with Natalie Poole
The Yoga-Lab, 494 Lygon st, Brunswick East, Melbourne
$40 Pre-Pay, $50 at the door
Bookings through TRY Booking.
Limited to 20 places, secure your place with full payment.
March 19 and 20 (Seven Sisters Festival), April 23, May 14, June 18th, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, November 12.
5Rhythms is a catalytic dance practice, based on the creative flow of nature. Dancing each of the rhythms Flowing®, Staccato®, Chaos®, Lyrical® and Stillness® offers us a map for understanding our body’s own inner waves, the rhythms of nature, and the rhythms of the creative process.
This is a workshop and will invite the dancer on a deeper and more intimate journey from weekly classes. Each month offers a different flavour, inviting us to dance the wisdom of the female archetypes, our cycles, and our ‘femaleness.’ By workshopping the rhythmic wave we rekindle the connections to our own patterns and heal and deepen our expression. No dance experience necessary, all welcome.
Natalie Poole is a certified 5Rhythms teacher, Dance Movement Therapist, mother and birth attendant.
For further information on the 5Rhythms go to
Or for more details on this workshop please contact Natalie 0416 177679
This workshop we will be exploring ovulation - this is the fertile climax of our cycle... what does this look like when we dance it, and how can our dance inform our monthly cycle, our year, our week and even our own creativity. Is there a project you want to 'fall pregnant' with? Come along and dance it and discover the wisdom our body and our cycles can offer us.
In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.