
5Rhythms Clases

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Heart Medicine - Wednesday sessions

Wednesdays 19:30 - 21:00
20 Sep 2023 - 18 Oct 2023
Ubicación: Online
Amsterdam, Netherlands Show map

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 In 5 weekly classes we dive into the landscape of the heart.

Every week we focus on an emotion and it's medicine for the heart.

You can choose to come in the morning or evening Amsterdam time.

If you're not able to follow the class live you will get acces to the sound recording for a week. (no video recording will be shared)

Classes will be held on Zoom, a basic understanding of zoom is necessary.

Sound will be optimal with cable connected speakers


Tuesdays evening 19:30-21:00 CET

September 19 & 26, October 3,10 & 17

Wednesdays morning 9:45-11:00 CET

September 20 & 27, October 4,11 & 18

Hours count as heartbeat hours for the 5Rhythms teacher training, when taken as a series

5 weeks €67,50

5 weeks 2 classes a week €87,50

single Class €15


Jup Jansonius & Mirjam van Hasselt are teaching alternating 

both accredited 5Rhythms teacher on waves and heartbeat level.



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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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