THRESHOLD: Stowel Lake Farm Retreat
A threshold is a place of potential: a delineation between one environment or set of conditions and another. An edge we may not have approached before now. A place where we pause, however subtly, to gather ourselves before stepping beyond what we already know.
As humans, we are always moving towards the unknown. Even if we are in a familiar groove, or a season of stability, life is poised to offer surprises. Knowing this, we can arrive into each new season, each day or even each moment, with a sense of promise, aliveness, and potential.
In this year’s retreat we’ll investigate this potent place of Threshold. Using the 5Rhythms movement meditation and reflective practices, we’ll investigate this place of potential. Supported by the land and accompanied by a committed group of dancers, we’ll explore the places where we may be ready to step beyond our own edges, and gather the resources we need to step fully nourished and present into the fall.
The 5Rhythms® are an exhilarating and liberating approach to the exploration of improvised movement that is authentic, inspired and catalytic. It is a workout for body and soul, a moving meditation, a spiritual practice designed to release the dancer that lives in every body,
regardless of age, experience or condition.
This year’s retreat will include live music, indoor and outdoor meditation, two nights’ accommodation and six home-cooked locally-grown and locally-sourced organic meals.
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PRERREQUISITOS: No prerequisites required.