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TRIBE! Warriors of the Heart - Part 2 Freedom

Waves, Heartbeat
3 May 2019 - 6 May 2019
Lokacija: Wildways Retreat Centre - Shropshire, WV16 6NJ
Shropshire, United Kingdom Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Neil Pinnock

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 TRIBE! Warriors of the Heart.

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“Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” Gabrielle-Roth

It is time for us to come together as a Tribe. It is time for us to make a stand for the Heart, to find our authentic and liberated power. Gabrielle Roth, the Urban Shaman and creator of the 5Rhythms practice, left us 5 Shamanic tasks on our path to becoming a Free Spirit; The Power of Being, The Power of Loving, The Power of Knowing, The Power of Seeing and the Power of Healing.

This ongoing journey will employ 5Rhythms Dance, Shamanic techniques and Rituals of Renewal to deepen the connection to yourself, your heart, your purpose and to your community in these collective times we live in.

This closed group takes place over four residential weekends at the wonderful woodland retreat of Wildways in Shropshire.
You will need to commit to the whole journey.

Wild Ways is a wholesome and unique retreat centre in the beautiful countryside of Shropshire. Nestled into the banks of the Borle Brook it offers visitors a special relationship to the land with private fields, woodlands, stone circle and celtic roundhouse. The indoor spaces provide simple comfort with dining room, warm sleeping lofts and cosy lounge. Facilities include kitchen, sauna & showers and you can choose to camp on the lush earth or sleep communally indoors. We will dance in a large yurt and on the land, drinking deeply from the immersion in the natural world around us.

"Unlike any other practitioner I know, Neil holds a sacred space perfectly balanced between the reverent and irreverent. I rarely laugh as much or feel as deeply connected as when I dance at Wildways. I also know that I am totally held by Neil, by the group and the 5 Rhythms, to go deep into the painful, challenging places. Each time a transformative magic happens. It is an incredibly safe, nourishing space that I know I will return to again and again, going that bit deeper and into new realms of magic, every time.

Pippa, Creative Practitioner


 Warriors of the heart

Many of us experience a heavy heart, shaped by conventions, personal history and societal norms, we often carry emotional baggage and are either lost or fear to be truly ourselves. We live in a world where we hide our vulnerability beneath a false bravado, create defensive armour to protect our tenderness and struggle to express our pain, sorrow and joy. Our emotions are often suppressed, shut down or denied resulting in a lack of access to our essential energy, our innate spontaneity and our divine authenticity.

In the Heartbeat Map of the 5Rhythms we open to our depth of feeling and learn to be more present in the shifting emotions of the human heart. Like a Warrior, we learn to stalk and track the shadow territories, hunt out the old patterns that hold us back and welcome the presence and movement of feelings that will enliven our very being. We call on courage to guide us through fear, anger to be more clear. Willing to surrender to sadness and open to the love in our hearts, we welcome the joy and gratitude that connects us to all of life. To be a Warrior of the Heart one has to be light hearted. It is our gentleness that is our greatest strength and our awareness that leads to wisdom. Warriors of the heart have passion and purpose, tenderness and truth, forgiveness and fulfilment. They weave compassion through their lives and follow the unknown adventure into the midst of the mystery, willing to experience it all.

Warriors of the heart are truly alive.

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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