
5Ritmova Radionica

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herzwärts - freudentaumel

Led by: Dagmar Cee
16 Jan 2016 - 17 Jan 2016
Lokacija: La Caminada
Berlin, Germany

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Emotions are part of our physical being and none of them are negative or positive. Even though we would prefer not to feel or express fear, anger or grief sometimes – these emotions are pure energy that move through us and make us feel alive - just like joy and compassion do. If we suppress or ignore our emotional flow, we block our life energy. What would it be like to reclaim the whole spectrum of our emotional landscape? To fully feel, express ourselves and be able to let go? How alive would we be and what tremendous richness of our hearts could we offer out into the world. Joy is the energy of being light and expansive and is probably the most desired one. Everybody is doing great efforts to get there – but are we ready to experience it, to allow it into our physical being? How can we open ourselves up for lightness and joy? How can we stay present and down to earth with it? What other ways of rejoice do our hearts and bodies know? What about contentedness, well-being, delight or connectedness? In this workshop we will explore how this energy moves through our bodies and hearts and how we can express it. We will practice how we can allow and “bear” or own lightness. Dancing through waves we want to examine how we can move and to what small or big pleasures we open ourselves up.



In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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