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Trilogy "5 EMOTIONS" Module 3

Led by: Silvija Tomcik
4 Sep 2015 - 6 Sep 2015
Ubicación: to be announced
Budapest, Hungary
Organizer: Zsuzsanna Kiss

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In this on-going trilogy, we will build our experience from the basics, from the body of 5 Rhythms practice, embodying our own dance and expressing ourselves through each of the 5 Rhythms. Then we continue, connecting the 5 Rhythms with 5 Elements. We will ground our Flowing in the Earth, spark our Staccato with Fire, dive into our Chaos through the Water, lighten up our Lyrical in Air, and empty our Stillness through the Ether. On the last module, we continue exploring and re-searching the connections by entering the Heartbeat land. Is our Fear frozen or fluid, what does Anger have to do with our clarity and passion, are we drowning or releasing in Sadness, how is Joy connected to the light side of everything, how does Compassion ripple through the universe ?


Prerequisites : 15 hours of Waves classes This Ongoing Trilogy counts as 25 hours of Waves level and 20 hours of Heartbeat level towards the Teacher Training. These 3 modules begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday afternoon. Prices: Early bird price for bookings until 15th of January is 255€. Full price is 300€. Working price is 195€. You can pay the whole amount at the first module, or pay on each module ( payment at the module is 85€ for early bird or 100€ for full price or 65€ for working price). Booking is done by paying 70€ as a nonrefundable deposit. Your non-refundable deposit will be reduced from your payment for the last module.


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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