Ron Hagendoorn
5Rhythms Teacher since 2007
Tribe Member since 2000
The journey to become a 5Rhythms teacher has been a very personally fulfilling and nurturing one for me. For nearly two decades, 5Rhythms has helped me stay flexible and vibrant in body, mind and spirit.
My love for music is the beginning of my experience as a dancer. In my youngest years I listened to music that touched my soul. Thanks to my sister, who introduced spirituality to our home, I started to dance. After dancing through life for a few years I discovered 5Rhythms. That was it completely. A dance that is meditation in which every feeling is welcomed. From sweet and soft to wild and aggressive. 5Rhythms is like life itself. Complete!
5Rhythms is about freedom and structure. It requires discipline and study. The considerable amount of energy that I have invested in this mind and body work brought real benefits in terms of my physical, emotional and mental health. In my workshops I ask for dedication and concentration. Every beginning includes resistance and fear. Only when we embrace this and put it into motion does true inspiration and freedom arise.
Gabrielle Roth was the living example of 5Rhythms. She was inspiring and challenging. I remember a demonstration of her and the tears came naturally to my eyes. What she told us about 5Rhythms and what she showed in her dance was identical. She is 5Rhythms!
From 13 to 15 September 2019 I will make my first mini tour through the Czech Republic. Three times the opportunity to dance with the day workshop ‘Pride and Joy’ on Sunday in Brno. Good pride represents our dignity and self-respect. In this workshop we investigate what is most important to us in life and how we increase our self-respect. We discover how the attitude of our body partly determines how we feel. Feel your heartbeat, your body and your breath, in depths you might not have explored before. Unearth an immense sense of gratitude from deep within you. Find your pride. Find your joy. Find yourself.

Pride & Joy
with Ron Hagendoorn
15 September 2019 - 15 September 2019
Dance Studio, Brno

Lorca Simons
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 0
Tribe Member since 1992
"Be the poetry of the movement to find the voice connected to the heart connected to the feet. To be able to stand in it and serve with it. Just be a catalyst. Art is the soul food each person needs." - Gabrielle Roth
The theatre wing is aLIVE and ready to welcome you to the wire, offering ritual theatre labs all over the globe. Come dive in deep or take your first toe dip. No swimming lessons required.
Updates: We’ve been further developing a piece of theatre we created called “Love Letters to a Raven” which was performed this summer at my folks theatre Hip Pocket in Texas. It was truly beautiful. Suffering into art my friends. I am very excited to announce that we will be further developing this piece at the Cherry Lane Theatre in New York City spring 2020!
I’ve said this before but i’ll say it again and again… The beauty of our 5R practice from a theatre prospective is having the opportunity to reflect life, absorbing every morsel of its offering and gifting it back to the dance over and over again.
In living this practice as artists we embody the rhythms through every breath we take, through every offering we make. Each gesture being an extension from our body, heart, mind, soul & spirit A poetic landscape of offering. A free fall, a footfall, a live response to what is happening in us around us and universally.
As artists we manifest change offering ourselves and our stories from that Live Wire place deep inside our creative centre; that electric landscape of unpredictable possibility that lives and breathes inside our bones.
The spirit may be willing but the flesh and voice are sometimes tongue-tied. Yet the spirit longs to break the silence and speak from the deepest Live Wire place within us.
What words express your current state of being? How does the voice move within these shapes of the body? How do those physical shapes breathe? In Breath in Motion we will create a stage for the spirit within to manifest. Theatrical. Articulate. An embodied language expanding our creative potential and opening the door of those voices within, articulating all our bodies have to offer. We will sculpt spirit into shape, write soul into story, dance mind into the wind and trace the heart home. Furious dancing, mysterious humor and indelible visuals may occur.

Breath in Motion
with Lorca Simons & Lynne Adams
27 September 2019 - 29 September 2019
Circuit-Est, Montreal