
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Jason Rowe
11 Oct 2024 - 13 Oct 2024
Location: International Art Factory, Via della Casa Buia, 4, 40129 Bologna BO, Italy
Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italy Show map
Organizer: Olivia Palmer

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This will be a week end workshop lead in English with translation into Italian. 

Questo workshop sarà in Inglese con traduzione in italiano. 


We all know our lives are not perfect, so why do we spend so much energy acting otherwise?

‘Imperfections are part of the display of life. Joy and sorrow, birth and death are the dance of existence throughout which our awakened consciousness can shine.’ Jack Kornfield

In this workshop we will explore a perfectly imperfect life moving with the core emotions of the Heartbeat map of the 5Rhythms practice as our guide.

How does Fear lead us in not feeling good enough or diminish ourselves, rather than to our own stream of courage?

How does our Anger automatically lead to judging others, when coming home could be of more comfort to ourselves and others?

Do we take time and create space to dignify, and allow acceptance for, our loss and Sadness that’s inevitable?

How do we feel liberation, and expand to share that Joy, with ourselves and in the communities we touch?

When we feel, move and bring into balance fluidly the energies of fear, anger, sadness & joy, how do we experience our innately Compassionate heart?

As we dance together with opening hearts and the deep wisdom and healing of this practice we will experience this beautiful life and the true power of loving.

‘Love is essentially the primal energy of all our emotions flowing, of really feeling and responding moment by moment, situation by situation.’ Gabrielle Roth

Refund Policy

 This workshop counts as 2 days of Heartbeat level 

Questo seminario conta come 2 giorni di livello Heartbeat

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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