Without effort and without struggle. Life is a continuum, a passage with breath and movement.”
Gabrielle Roth
In these 2 days we will take the time to breathe and listen to the body in motion.
We will be attentive to the rustling of the dance which touches the skin and takes us into our choreography
The floor of the Regard du Cygne studio will be our unfailing support for this dance practice. The inspiration of the body, the inspiration of our creativity will be our common thread, like a source for our daily life.
This course is for anyone who already has a movement practice or/and who has already completed a 5 rhythms dance course.
Workshop with Marc also count towards the prerequisites of the 5 Rhythms® dance teacher training.
Mar Silvestre is a certified 5 Rhythms teacher level wave and Heartbeat and an official Coach from ICF ( International coach federation)
Dance: Marc has started to dance in 1995 after many years of Martial arts. He has participated to lot of performances and contemporary dances. In 2002 he discovered 5 Rhythms dance.He followed the training in USQ with Gabrielle Roth and her team. Since 2011 he leads classes and workshops in France, Suis, Belgium, Lithuania, etc…
Katrien: registration@5ritmesbrugge.be
Open Wave Friday: 19u - 21u30
Workshop Saturday/Sunday: 11u - 17u30
Cost: Open Wave: 25€
Workshop: Early bird 160€ (booking before March 12th - Full Price: 180€