
5Rhythms Workshop

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New Year's Point of Passage

Led by: Jonas Klingberg
29 Dec 2015 - 1 Jan 2016
Location: Hannemo Kursgård, V:a Ämtervik, Värmland
, Sweden
Organizer: Mona Edwertz

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Yet another year is ending and a new unknown lays in front of us. A space to breathe, relax and ground. A place for honoring, contemplation, and integration. We gather our expericences which we lived, felt and moved through. Harvesting the essence of it all. In that essence we plant new seeds through our dancing prayers for the coming year ahead. Intentions, hopes, wishes and dreams for yourself, your community and the world. We take our first dancing steps of the new year together in community and celebration. May the New Year mindfully unfold in front of our humble dancing feet with the body wisdom and support of the past. Dance & Movement, Contemplation & Celebration, A wellness treat at Selma Spa in Sunne, Writing & Witnessing, Nourishing Nature, Delicous Vegeterian Eco Food and a Creative Dancing Community


DATES: 29 Dec – 1 Jan TIME: start 29/12 at 19.00 end 1/1 around 15.00 LOCATION: Hannemo kursgård, V:a Ämtervik, Värmland, Sweden www.hannemo.se PRICE: early bird workshop price before 1 Dec 2.350 SEK after 2.650 SEK , Accommodation & Food 1.850 SEK, Relaxing Spa treat incl. breakfast & lunch buffet 476 SEK (optional) www.selmaspa.se REGISTRATION: e-mail Mona at info@bodymoves.se and pay your booking fee 900 SEK to BG 216-0968. Last day to register is 15 Dec. Book your accommodation with Mona as well. For payment from abroad: IBAN: SE16 5000 0000 0510 8102 5255 Bic/swift: ESSESESS Bank: SEB Account holder: Mona Edwertz. Warmly Welcome!


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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