
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Silvija Tomcik
14 Feb 2014 - 16 Feb 2014
Location: Studio Ki, (Burggasse 9, 2. Stock)
Graz, Austria
Organizer: Stefania

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In this workshop we will explore the connection between our roots and our wings, our groundness and our lightness, our feet and our arms, our Flowing and our Lyrical. How can they complement and support each other. How they attract each other being so different, on two different ends.

How can we be rooted and still free to move and fluid to change ? How can we be flying with our wings and still be connected and embodied? We will visit the depths of our roots and the skies of our wings, its dances and its stories.
« If I had two wishes, I know what they would be. I’d wish for Roots to cling to, and Wings to set me free; Roots of inner values, like rings within a tree, and Wings of independence to seek my destiny. » Denis Waitley


Workshop is led in English with translation into German.

For new as well as experienced dancers.

Times: Friday 18-21h, Saturday 10 to 17h and Sunday 10.30 to 17h

Prices: full price €180. Jagati members €160. Discount price for early booking, until 07.01.2014 is €160, Jagati members €140. Bookings only with non-refundable deposit of €50.


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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