
5Rhythms Workshop

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Reclaim Your Life After Loss

7 May 2017
Location: Out Back Yoga Integrative Healing Arts Center, 10926 Owensmouth Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311
Los Angeles, California, United States Show map
Organizer: Daniela Peltekova

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Everyone experiences unwelcome major life-changing events at some point. Someimes we need help navigating the grief and loss journey. How do we move through our trajectories, carrying and processing what arises without feeling stuck? How do we begin to come to terms and embrace the teaching and transformation that these deep, and often shocking, encounters may bring us?

In this one-day experiential retreat we meet in the most incredible location in Chatsworth to pause, reflect and gather in community to witness and find safe and effective ways to support our processes with grief and loss. Through the tools of art, movement, non-judgment and supportive witnessing we will explore and express the feelings, ideas, concerns and questions, inviting creativity, openness, trust and expansion.

- Release and share in a supportive community
- Investigate what the mind-body holds and express it freely
- Rediscover your laughter and joy
- Banish the nagging feeling of guilt - be happy to be alive
- Unlock the possibility of living life to its fullest potential

Using the 5Rhythms© movement practice, we will investigate movement with what is present for us in the moment. We will then articulate that through artistic expression – visualization, expressive drawing and/or writing. Finally we will gather in circle to share a facilitated conversation, which will give us the possibility to speak to what’s alive for us and what may have moved into the alchemical realms of creative potential. All the more opening ourselves to the possibility of living life to its fullest, moment to moment, with the gifts and tribulations that are making our path unique.

Time: May 7th, 12-6pm
Location: Out Back Yoga Integrative Healing Arts Center, 
10926 Owensmouth Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311
Exchange: $125 paid before April 30th, $150 afterwards
For more information email Daniela or Maryann
Registration link: https://form.jotform.com/63476789344169

PLACES ARE LIMITED, we intentionally and deliberately work in a small group with individual attention to give space for what needs to be expressed. Make sure to book fast.


This workshop will be taught together with grief counselor and creativity workshop creator, Maryann Udel. Meet Maryann:

Maryann Udel, Founder of Sheltering tree

I was 24 when my husband was killed in an automobile accident. Overnight, I went from being a young wife to a young widow. From deeply in love to lost in grief. Family and friends were all extremely supportive, but ultimately, I had to figure out how to move myself forward and reclaim my life.

Through years of discovery and exploration, I found it is possible to live, love, laugh and find joy again after loss. And I've made it my mission to help others who are experiencing massive transition know that they're not alone, and to help them reconnect with their life.

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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