
5Rhythms Workshop

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The Stories We Hold

Led by: Bettina Rothe
8 Mar 2024 - 10 Mar 2024
Location: Russian Hall, 600 Campbell Ave
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Show map
Organizer: Bettina Rothe

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 "All around me, filling me, are proofs that the human spirit holds all of history, that we embody it in our muscles and bones, passing it along in our genes, its mystical currents flowing in our blood. Here we discover all that has occurred since the beginning of time, the explosion of form out of formlessness. Everything is all-so-clearly revealed in the chaos of the dance.” - Gabrielle Roth

Our bodies are the libraries of our personal, ancestral and collective stories. They hold the extraordinary wisdom and details of our lives. We carry imprinted memories that have manifested into our accomplishments and struggles. The remains in our bodies directly influence our personal health, thoughts, relationships, and actions.

The Practice of Somatic Archaeology invites us to unearth some of the hidden or stored memories to uncover and remember our own myths for personal and planetary healing. Our bodies facilitate this process through breath, sound, feelings and movement.

Through the transformative maps of the 5Rhythms® we will discover, express, release and acknowledge those story pieces that are ready to open inside our bodies. When we embody our truth and have it be witnessed and honoured we can move with more awareness, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding.

Together we will explore the healing salve of Storytelling. When shared respectfully stories can bring new meaning and perspective to our lives as we interpret our experiences, finding reconciliation and acceptance.

This immersion is open to all. Some 5Rhythms Dance experience is recommended but not required.

“Bettina holds space like a true leader. Her guidance is clear, constructive and inviting, without being intrusive to one’s individual process. I felt held and guided by her gentle yet strong heart.” — Previous Workshop Participant 



Friday: 7 – 9:30 PM

Saturday: 12 PM – 6 PM

Sunday: 11 PM – 5 PM


Cost in Canadian $:

 Regular Tuition: $285 if paid by February 1, $325 after 

Students/ Seniors/ Underemployed Tuition: $245 if paid by February 1, $285 after

Support another Dancer (Tuition plus addition to our scholarship fund): $ 365


Payment plans are available.

We have a few partial scholarships and crew positions for this program. 

Please contact Bettina directly to learn more. 

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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