
5Rhythms Workshop

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The power of dancing

2 Jul 2023 - 9 Jul 2023
Location: Roedegaard, Karlshoejvej 5, 8420 Knebel, Denmark
Knebel, Denmark Show map
Organizer: Birgitte Rassmussen

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The power of dancing: Sold out

5Rhythms in waves and heartbeat - We start the workshop with waves, and continue with 5 days of heartbeat. 

We will deepen our dance through the feelings of the body and the expressions of the heart. 

We will dance our inner and outer landscapes, explore magic and mystery, finding new truths and wisdom about, who we really are.

We will invite courage and presence into our dance, express forms, crossing limits, going to the edge and surrender to what is. We will share the joy of our dancing soul and hold it all in the freedom of stillness.  

We will use the beautiful nature around us in thousands ways.

We will start with waves, followed by 5 days of heartbeat. 

Teacher: Birgitte Rasmussen/Denmark


A whole week of dancing 5Rhythms in waves and heartbeat

We will dance about 6 hours a day,

daily timetable according to weather etc.


Food, bed & workshop all inclusive: 4100 to 5500 D. Crowns (early bird paid before May the first) Hereafter +600 D. Crowns. Deposit: 500 D. crowns to keep your spot.

Contact and booking:

Email to: dans5rytmer@gmail. com

phone +45 26271471

More: www.dans5rytmer.dk

Picture of Gregory Colbert, see his art https://gregorycolbert.com/

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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