
5Rhythms Workshop

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Wild & Tender

Led by: Arjan Bouw
8 May 2018 - 13 May 2018
Location: groepskampeerterrein, Oerdijk 123 Okkenbroek
Deventer, Netherlands Show map

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If you can't be raw, can you be really tender?

On the dancefloor we create a safe place to let this life-force move through us again; fluid, fiery, free and funky.

The dance broadens our spectrum and opens up different levels and variations, so we can be fulfilled with life.

Everybody is welcome to dance this wave in your own way.

We dance in a tent on the gras, there will be a sauna and good vegetarian food.

different workshops:

5hythms: Arjan Bouw

Ecstatic Dance: Arun Ji 

Contact-Improv: Tom Goldhand 

Yoga: Rachel de Boer


dates and times: 

10 May from 20:00, arrival whole day, dinner 18:00

May 13 dance till 13:00, after that we will end with a lunch.

Location: campside Okkenbroek, 10 km from Deventer station

Costs: €225 or €250 paid after May 1. Incl food, coffee and tea

Children are welcome, €85 p child incl food

More info and registration: 




Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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