BARCELONA 2023/2024
Waves and Heartbeat Level
Led by Silvija Tomčik, accredited 5Rhythms teacher
1st Module „CONTACT“ 05-07.05.2023.
2nd Module „INTIMACY“ 24-26.11.2023.
3rd Module „SEXUALITY“ 03-05.05.2024.
In “CONTACT” first we practice getting in touch, in contact with ourselves, our being, through our bodies and our movement. Then we explore different ways to be and move with each other, learning and growing through the contact that happens.
“On the dance floor, meeting complete strangers in the beat, you have the opportunity to rip off your mask and relax into the rhythm of connection.”
Gabrielle Roth
In “INTIMACY” first we practice getting in touch, in contact with our own heart, its openings and closings, its movement and stillness, its emotional waves. Staying present and holding our heart’s hand whatever it feels. Having developed this ability we cross the bridge to meet another heart and its waves. Practicing how to meet in all the different “faces” of the heart.
“Intimacy is an open path, a bridge between my heart and yours. We get stuck on the bridge because we don’t want to pay these tolls: total surrender to vulnerability, spontaneity, and an open, unguarded heart.”
Gabrielle Roth
In “SEXUALITY” first we practice getting in touch, in contact with our own sexual energy, how it comes and goes, how it moves inside of us and how it shapes our dance. Knowing more of this essential life force inside of us, we have more ground and more boundaries to meet the sexual energy of others who we meet at the dance floor.
“If the heart is not free to experience the power of loving, if we are emotionally blocked and holding back feelings, there is no way we can experience total orgasm, or total well-being.”
Gabrielle Roth
And we keep dancing it all, Wave after a Wave, clearing the history, making space for present sensations and connections, creating new highways inside of our body, heart and mind for the life we want to live. If you have reached a certain level in your practice, and if you are ready for a new stage of insight, or you desire the continuity and cohesion that this group is offering, this will give you time to explore the map of the 5Rhythms progressively and to connect deeply with other dancers in the group who have the same commitment.
During these 3 modules we will be meeting the same group of people, so we can relax into it and develop our relationships. This continuity creates a powerful group field for our sharing and learning.
This Ongoing Trilogy counts as 3,5 days of Waves level and 4 days of of
Heartbeat level towards the Teacher Training.
These 3 modules begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday afternoon.
Workshops are led in English with translation into Spanish.
Prices: Full price is 190 EUR per module. If you apply and pay deposit by 15th of February 2023, early booking price per module is 160 EUR. Working team price is 100 EUR per module.
To book your place, you need to register online and pay non-refundable deposit of 100 EUR. The amount of the deposit is subtracted from the last module payment. In case you are unable to participate in one or more modules, for whatever reason, you will have to pay 70% of your price for that module.